Here Are Some Useful Links About Germany, Visas, And Learning The German Language

“Facts about Germany.”

Information portal about Germany in Russian. On the pages of this site you can accessibly talk about life in modern Germany. The following topics are covered: facts about Germany (administrative and political structure of the country, geography and climate, demographic situation); state and politics; foreign policy; economy and innovation; environment and climate; education and knowledge; society; culture and media; lifestyle; history. In the “Mediathek” you can find short but interesting videos which describe different aspects of life in modern Germany – from politics and social initiatives to humor and the film industry.

E-books in Russian “Facts about Germany” (all facts, a brief overview) and “Facts about Germany” (a guide for young people) are available for download. The format of the books – PDF.

Go to the “Facts about Germany” site

Learning German

According to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) there are three levels of proficiency in a foreign language. Each level is divided into two “sublevels”. Grundstufe: A (A1, A2); Mittelstufe: B (B1, B2); Oberstufe: C (C1, C2). Language skills are assessed collectively: oral and written speech, text and speech comprehension (listening comprehension of the foreign language).

Why is this information important on a dating site?

First of all, this information is important for women who are thinking about their future and seriously considering the prospect of a relationship and marriage with a German citizen. It is knowledge of the linguistic “obstacles” that stand in the way of moving to Germany and integrating into German society.

Exam A1. A certificate confirming the knowledge of German at the A1 level is included in the list of mandatory documents required for obtaining a visa for marriage (the so-called fiancée visa) and a visa for family reunification (for example, if the marriage was concluded in the home country of the bride). Not every language school in Germany recognizes and accepts certificates. The certificate of the Goethe Institut is recognized in Germany, so you can take the A1 exam at one of the Goethe Institut’s branches.

Exam B1. After getting married and moving to Germany, the wife of a German citizen will take an integration course where she will continue to learn the German language and learn about the basics of German society, its administrative and political structure, and learn about her rights and obligations. At the end of the course she will take a B1 level language exam.

The resources below will help those wishing to prepare for both levels.

Deutsche Sprache für Anfänger: German for Beginners (Level A)


With the help of the site “Deutsch-online” you can start learning German on your own and for free. For beginners are important sections of the site: “Tutorials” and “Media Library”. The site provides access not only to materials for learning German, but also to many articles about life in Germany, Germans and emigration. The “Info” section contains information about Germany, the history of the state, the German language and interesting facts.

Go to the site “Deutsch-online”

“German language video lessons by Elena Shipilova”

If you do not know where to start learning German, watch video lessons from Elena Shipilova. The course consists of 7 lessons, very simply and easily told about the basics of German grammar.

Open video lessons by Elena Shipilova on YouTube

“Audiotrainer German from Deutsche Welle”

100 short videos, each with a selection of German words on a certain topic. First the word is pronounced in Russian, then repeated twice in German. Audiotrainer helps to learn new words, to train the understanding of German words by ear and their pronunciation.

Open the German audio trainer on YouTube

German A2 – B1

Grüße aus Deutschland” audio material from the Goethe Institute

The podcast “Grüße aus Deutschland” is produced by the Goethe Institut. It is a series of “audio broadcasts” devoted to a certain topic, in which the presenters discuss the topic of the broadcast in the form of a dialogue. For example, Essen und Ernährung (food and nutrition).
This podcast is suitable for those continuing to learn German (to prepare for A2-B1 exams). Helps to build up vocabulary and train listening comprehension. Each “series” is accompanied by a text (transcript of the program), which you can read and write out new / incomprehensible words.

Open “Grüße aus Deutschland”

“Deutsche Welle: Top-Thema”

Deutsche Welle is a German media company covering events in Germany, Europe, and the world. With Deutsche Welle, you can not only find out about current events in German life, but also learn German. The “Top-Thema mit Vokabeln – Archiv” section contains articles in German on various topics. For example, “Top-Thema mit Vokabeln – Archiv” → “Top-Thema mit Vokabeln – Archiv 2017” → “Lektion: Zahlen ohne Bargeld”. The articles are accompanied by an audio recording in which the text is read by an announcer. The text of the article in German can be found in the subsection “Manuskript”. Some of the terms used in the text are explained in German under “Glossar”. By incorporating the material from Deutsche Welle into your lessons, you will be able to practice understanding German speech, expand your vocabulary, learn current vocabulary, and prepare for the B1 exam.

Go to Deutsche Welle website

For those who would like to read Deutsche Welle news in Russian.

Open Deutsche Welle news in Russian

Types of visas for travel and relocation to Germany

There are two types of visas to enter the territory of Germany: Schengen visa, for trips of not more than 90 days, and national visa, for a long stay (more than 3 months) in the country. National visa can be extended in Germany, Schengen visa can not be extended without leaving the country.

For the purpose of marriage with a German citizen and for family reunification, it is necessary to apply for a national visa.

You can find a list of documents required for Schengen and national visas on the website of German missions in the Russian Federation.

The information published on the resources below applies to citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of third countries residing in the Russian Federation.

German missions in the Russian Federation

There are five German missions in the Russian Federation: the Embassy in Moscow, the Consulate General in Yekaterinburg, the Consulate General in Kaliningrad, the Consulate General in Novosibirsk, and the Consulate General in St. Petersburg. The map of the consular districts on the website will help you understand which office you should apply to. The consular district is selected according to the place of residence of the citizen applying to the representative office.

German missions handle the processing of national and Schengen visas. You can also apply for a Schengen visa at one of the service and visa centers.

Go to the website of German diplomatic missions in the Russian Federation

Site of service and visa centers of German diplomatic missions in the Russian Federation

The site publishes a list of documents required to obtain a Schengen visa. You can apply for a Schengen visa at the service and visa center.

Go to the website of the service and visa centers of German diplomatic missions in the Russian Federation

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