Sometimes there are awkward pauses in adult dating communication: it doesn’t matter if it’s an old acquaintance or someone you’ve seen for the second day. There’s nothing wrong with them, and they happen to everyone. But in order not to get lost in such moments and to bring acquaintance to new levels, you need to know a lot of things:
- How to strike up a conversation if there’s nothing to talk about
- How to keep the dialogue going
- What to say in a meeting
- What to discuss online
- What to talk about on the phone.
Talking about each case and sharing examples of topics to talk about with a guy you like.
Adult Dating Article Content:
Adult Dating – What to talk to a man about?
Usually it’s not hard for nice people to find a common topic of conversation. But sometimes this system fails: when a person is still not well acquainted, or when the occasions floating in the air have exhausted themselves.
At such times, it’s time to discuss each other: past and plans, hobbies, views, and life positions. These are personal conversations that can touch on something really important, but it is not necessary to delve into the maze of personal differences.
Another option is to create a topic artificially, on your own. Noticing something around or going through something together to discuss it later. You can start talking about recent events or mutual acquaintances, but there is a great risk of turning to gossip – and this is not the best way to go about it. Even if it is interesting, the conversation will turn out to be “empty”.
Sometimes it’s important to just start a conversation with a guy, ask him interesting questions, and then the dialogue will complete itself. If you don’t know how to do it, use one of the examples:
- “I recently read that…”
- “You wouldn’t believe what happened to me the other day!”
- “I found out something, and it just won’t give me peace.”
- “You know what I’ve been up to?”
- “I care what you think.”
- “I need your advice about…”
- “Do you think I should…”
Why it’s important to have dialogues with a guy
Conversation is the adult dating engine of a relationship. Without speech we could not make contact, and only through personal conversations, through a pleasant conversation in private with a new guy or with the man you love you can really get to know each other. Later the ways of rapprochement will be supplemented by joint experience, but at first it is conversations that will solve everything. It’s important to see if you like the way your chosen one talks, if you like his stories. It is through conversations that you will find out his views, find something in common and something that is not like you at all.
Before a conversation, it’s hard to draw any conclusions about a person and whether or not you want to talk to him. Conversely, a conversation can drastically change your initial impression. So guys who don’t seem cute at first can charm you for a few minutes of conversation. And interesting-looking men aren’t the kind of people who are pleasant or interesting to talk to.
A simple conversation on the walk is one of the most convenient ways to get information. Both verbally and non-verbally. To express emotions and feelings to a person and to receive the same from him, to make contact.
As a basic form of communication, conversation has become a handy tool for whatever:
- getting a good feeling,
- new information,
- refutation or confirmation of conjecture,
- manipulating and changing relationships.
For romantic relationships, this is the easiest and therefore most imperative way to develop the following qualities:
- familiarity and intimacy,
- to show attention,
- To make pleasing,
- caring,
- meet each other’s needs.
What to talk about with a guy you don’t know
Strangers are often using adult dating websites: you want to approach, say hello, make conversation-but how? There are reasons to be timid, but there are also trumps. If it’s the girl who starts the first conversation when you meet her, she gets the guy’s maximum attention.
These days, despite all the efforts of feminism and the push for equality, this is still something of a surprise. For guys, being able to meet a girl on the street is a measure of awesomeness. They have the opinion that only the most dashing and confident guys can do that, and they can’t be embarrassed. Girls, on the other hand, do not take this ability seriously: it may speak of courage, but it is hardly considered an important trait or something like a developed superpower.
You’ll get all of his attention and interest no matter what you say. It’s a fun game: even if your first line is something weird and out of place, the guy will respond and continue the conversation out of surprise. And it’s more likely that you won’t seem like the girl who failed the acquaintance, but the unusual or mysterious one. That is, even a mistake will come in handy – and that’s incredibly convenient.
Topics of conversation will have to be taken out of thin air: if the situation is unfolding in a public place, observe what the guy is doing and say something about it. If you need to meet a guy online, however, we suggest what’s best to write – here. If no occasion is found, say something about the guy himself or ask – about him or whatever.
But it’s better to back up: here are some topics for conversation with a guy you don’t know or don’t know very well.
- Hobbies. Questions like “What are your hobbies?”, “What do you usually do in your spare time?”, “Do you have any hobbies?”
- Hedonism. Usually the food part. “What’s your favorite dish?” “What dish would you like to try?” “What would you never eat?” “What food do you associate with your childhood?” “What cuisine do you like?”
- Shopping. “Do you like shopping?” “What stores do you usually dress at?” (you can also praise style here), “Do you think online stores will eventually supplant conventional ones?”
- Family. It’s a pretty personal topic, but you can approach it neatly. “Do you have brothers or sisters?” “Do you get along with relatives?” “Do you have family traditions that everyone honors?” “Tell me about a relative with whom you have the best relationship.”
- Pets. “Do you have a pet?” “Do you like cats or dogs more?” “Have you ever wanted a pet? If so, what kind?” “Why does your cat have that particular name?” “What’s the most unusual pet you’ve ever seen?”
- Compliment + question. “You have a great figure. Do you work out?”, “Wow, you’re very smart, I bet you read a lot. What books do you like?”, “How fast you fixed it with that thing. You must know a lot about engineering?”
- Favorite books and movies. A benign topic that could be talked about at length – after all, everyone has them.
The street is the best place for adult dating. Questions and compliments are great as a topic here.
Here are two of the most working examples:
- Young man, you have a very beautiful scarf. The color matches your eyes perfectly.
- Young man, can you help me get to the Red Banner? I think I’m lost, and I can’t get my bearings on how to get there.
If you feel confident enough, you can use some pick-up tool: ask for a smile, say it’s a fateful meeting or something like that. Remember, you’ll get attention and interest either way.
It’s convenient to meet guys on the street who walk dogs. His pet is the perfect subject for the first conversation. Praise the dog, ask about his breed, his name, his age, his personality. If you dare, offer to take him for a walk sometime. He probably won’t refuse.
By correspondence.
Adult dating by correspondence is safer: you don’t see the interlocutor, and everything doesn’t feel as sharp. Again, girls write first much less often than guys, so even “Hi, you look really nice :)” would be a great start. Men so rarely get attention from women first that they are always sensitive to it – no matter how it is expressed.
When the conversation gets going, move on to any of these topics:
- Hobbies and hobbies.
Discussion of profile details – activities, interests, favorite music, if communicating in correspondence on Facebook. Or on a adult dating site like MeetKing – you can ask about it, not being able to look in the appropriate blocks.
- Travel – perfect and desirable
- Perspectives on Life
- Plans
- Work
- Attitudes toward various issues
- Entertainment
- Weekend plans
- Movies and books
Topics of conversation with the guy you love
It’s easy to talk to your lover – you’re at that distance when the list of taboo topics is cut down to a minimum. You can give him a nice compliment. You know him, you know his hobbies and passions – you can always talk about them. With him it’s more convenient to discuss current events, problems. Give and ask for advice, exchange your favorite jokes, share stories. In addition, with your loved one you can already make plans – both for an evening or weekend, and for many years to come.
With a guy you like, it’s worth talking about what his plans are for life, what he wants out of it. Does he want to achieve dizzying heights, or is he comfortable at the level he’s already reached. Does he want to travel or stay at home. Does he care more about his career or his family? Discuss the attitudes, positions, and situations that have shaped the person the way he or she has become. All of this will help establish a relationship or recognize in time that you are not right for each other.
- As a concern, ask him what’s new in his studies and work.
- Ask about how you feel and your mood.
- If you’re close enough, ask questions about family.
You can always get additional topics of discussion by doing something together:
- Discuss a movie you’ve both seen
- Read the same book at the same time and exchange thoughts and opinions about it
- Go to an amusement park and then share your impressions
- Spend time in the woods or some other scenic spot
- Discuss a topic that interests you both: it could be photography, travel, sports
- Discuss personal things: each other and problems. Look for solutions together
- Talk about dreams.
- Discuss self-improvement: what would each of you like to be better at?
- Offer or ask for help or advice
- Ask or give away a little secret
- The past: what each of you was like before you met, what was important in life. Try not to talk about exes.
- Childhood: what it was like, what someone was like as a child
- Family, its role in life, and relations with relatives
Funny, interesting and original topics of conversation with any guy
These usually arise on their own: they are born out of jokes, out of events lived together, stemming from dialogue that was not intended to be funny or original.
You can point it at them, too:
- Imagine who you would be from a character in a book or movie.
- If you had a superpower, which one would it be? Which one would you want?
- Find a topic you don’t know much about, and make up your own details, details, stories. For example, you don’t know anything about the Dutch – make up their mentality, habits, peculiarities together
- Discuss funny cases from your childhood.
- Build prophecies from what happens around you: it rains in the sun for a bright and full life, the yard cat changes direction for a warming weather. Don’t explain it, just make it up.
- Being in a crowded place, try to respond to the remarks of passersby, preferably to do it in a funny way.
What not to talk about
The list of taboo topics is not that long. Surely you can add your own to it, but over time the boundaries in a relationship become more flexible. It makes it possible to discuss things you didn’t want to touch at first.
At first, avoid talking about:
- Money. Who earns how much, who is in what financial situation now
- Ex. There’s no point in dredging up the past when you have a current young man sitting next to you
- Disadvantages. And there will be time for criticism, but it must be constructive and timely. And, ideally, served gently, with care
- Vulgarities. Sexual topics and dirty jokes may also appear, but over time, once the relationship is established
- Personal. Ask the man about his character and habits, but don’t seek to get inside his head and force him to turn out his soul.
In the ranking of the best adult dating sites you can choose your favorite site and register on it to find a guy with common interests and communicate without boundaries!
- What topics do you yourself like to talk about with your loved ones?
- Do you discuss with them the same things you do with your friends?
- Do you take the silence calmly, or do you try to fill the awkward pause with something?
Answer in the comments 🙂